A history of the second Black owned and operated FM radio station in the state of Michigan, 107.1 WWWS-FM, Saginaw.

Dreams became reality when a group of young men and women mixed hard work with faith and patience. They were the founders of W3Soul FM.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The First DJ's of W3-Soul

Bobby Q Day was working at WAMM-AM when he met Earl Clark, who had recently been discharged from the Navy. Word got out that Bobby Q was working with Earl Clark to start a new radio station in Saginaw, Michigan.

Bobby Q:

"One by one the guys that were looking for radio work would contact me... and we would decide on them" That's the way that went. I can't remember who we hired first, probably a fellow named Donnie Cool (Donnie Sweet-Meat Cool).

Bobby rounded the staff with Sadie Satin (midday), Chuck Grazen (news), Speed Demon (7-Midnight) and Juicy Bruce (Midnight).

"Later Earl decided he wanted to be a Jazz DJ and we named him Playboy McCoy".

Sadie Satin was the first voice heard on W3-Soul. She played a song and then she said "here comes Sadie". We were on the air.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2008 Interview with Bobby-Q-Day

Nearly 40 years ago, I was working a DJ show on WAMM-AM in Flint, Michigan. I was contacted by a young black man named “Earl Clark”. He said he was from Detroit and had studied radio while in the Navy. He had filed for a FM radio station license with the FCC.

The more we talked, I learned he needed an antenna (tower) site for this soon to be radio station; in fact he needed everything from equipment to personnel. I agreed to help him get this station on the air.

We started to look for a tower location. We drove along the country farmlands around Saginaw until we found a farmer who let us lease land to build our tower. My brother-in law who was a super salesman, agreed to join us as Sales Manager.